About My Journey

I have been reading a minimalism blog for the past few years (Nourishing Minimalism). I don't remember why or how I originally came across it, but once I found it I was hooked. I haven't ever paid for any of her courses or books, but just her blog posts and newsletters were inspirational enough to get me thinking. 

But that's mostly all I did for years. Think. Think about decluttering, think about daily cleaning routines - think, think, think. I did print the "20xx in 20xx" charts - a challenge to get rid of, for example, 2018 items in 2018. The most I got to was 1139, and I did things like count each page in a notebook I got rid of. Most years I didn't hit 1000. But aside from making an "x" in a box every time I happened to throw something away, I didn't take any real steps toward decluttering.

It's time for that to change.

I recently came upon another blog, Abundant Life With Less. This one is written by a woman I know by sight in my mom's group at church. She cites John 10:10, “I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly,” and her realization that that doesn't mean more stuff. The most drawing thing for me between the two blogs is the sense of peace and calm that comes with a clean, organized and simple home. I searched "peace" in my Bible app and found Jude 1:2, "Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance." That's what I want - abundant mercy, peace and love in my home.

Don't get me wrong. I don't want to "become a minimalist" exactly. I have three young kids, after all! But I do want to downsize a bit. Overflowing cupboards, closets, tables, counters and basement is becoming overwhelming. (I don't EVEN want to think about the garage!) I just want to pare it down a bit, so we can enjoy the things we have without tripping over 13 things in the process, or searching for something behind/under a pile of outdated stuff we don't use. 

I don't expect to become a "professional blogger." I just want to document this journey so I have some accountability. If you're following this and haven't seen an update in a couple weeks, message me and ask me how I'm doing! If I'm posting updates and photos and people are expecting me to do so, I hope I'll do a better job of actually doing it. And, hey, if I inspire anyone along the way, added bonus!

I want to make a disclaimer. I plan on posting photos of stuff I'm getting rid of. If you see something in there that you gave to me or my hubby or kids, please don't be offended! I love you and I appreciate the gift and the time and thought it took to give it to me/us. We have been so blessed by so many people, giving us so many things, it all adds up and we don't have room to keep it all. I promise we enjoyed it for a time, and unless it's broken, it's not being thrown away; everything is going to Goodwill or Salvation Army, or possibly sold if I have the time and energy. So it will be loved and used by someone else who needs it. 

Thank you for coming with me on this journey. I know it will be long and hard, and I appreciate your support along the way. Peace be with you in abundance!

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